Blueblood.com’s Update
Amelia G. and Forrest Black just added a new update to Blueblood.com. I wrote about the first update in the post A Kind of Blue – First set from Jiz Lee & Syd Blakovich on BlueBlood.com. This shoot was taken on the same day — Syd, Forrest and I hiked up to a kinda/sorta secluded spot in the woods which featured some stunning blue graffiti. Syd packed the Njoy Eleven I gave her and we made use of it. There’s some other great shots but I like the action in this one the best.
See a free gallery, or join to see them all (including some great ones of us peeing, and some pretty darn emo ones, too) at BlueBlood.com.
Love it.
Another great set. You and Syd look great together in this location. Also kudos to Amelia G.
and Forrest Black for picking out another great local for the two of you to pose in. Love the contrasts between your bodies and the rockface in both colors and textures. Also great to see your both enjoying each other and your surroundings. Hope there will be more collabarations between the four of you in the future as the results are spectacular.
Jiz Lee
Thanks Ted!
I loved this location as well. I think between the two series so far, this and the blue bear cave shoot, I like the blue mood of the bear cave best for the mood that it captured. Syd and I were pretty emo that day, for reasons I wont get into, but I do like how the photos captured more of a seriousness between the two of us. We always have lots of chemistry, and this day the tone was particularly somber. Amelia and Forrest shot us individually at various locations and each time the sets are released it’s always such an intense experience to relive that trip to LA. By the way, did you get a chance to see the photo in the set of us peeing? I think it’s my favorite of the whole set, though I didn’t want to give it all away in my post!
🙂 Jiz