Call for Art: Doing Your Dirty Work
I’m passing along a call for submissions for an art show at the Center for Sex & Culture.
And this is an exhibition that I’ll likely submit to as well… ๐
Call For Art! Doing Your Dirty Work at the CSC
Doing Your Dirty Workย is the first annual group exhibition at the Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco, California. We invite all artists that are at least 18 years old to submit recent artwork that deals with themes of sexuality, sexual identity and gender identity.
Submissions are due at midnight, May 15th, 2012. There is no entry fee. The show will be from Friday August 3rd until Saturday September 1st, 2012.
To enter your work, send the following to sexandculturegallery@gmail.com:
5 images, jpegs less than 2mb each
List of images with size, media and title
Artist CV
Statement of up to 300 words about your work. Send one statement only and not one for each of the 5 images.
The gallery space also serves other uses so floor space is not available. No video or sculpture that cannot be hung on the wall.
Please do not censor yourself. Nothing is too dirty! Nothing is too perverse!
Work will be selected by CSC gallery staff with the input of several unnamed artists and curators.
The Center for Sex and Culture gallery aims to provide space for work of significant artistic merit dealing with sexuality and sexual identity, especially outsider or minority sexual identity. Too often mainstream art spaces self-censor or are afraid of sexual content. Too often the standard of artistic merit in sexuality community spaces is disappointingly low. Specifically erotic art exhibitions are too often heavily hetero, cis, or white centric. CSC gallery makes bridging these divides and providing a solution to all of these shortcomings its mission.