Gender, Sex
Gender, Genderqueer, Trans, Androgyny, Femme, Butch, Identity
I’ll Show You Mine: Book Reveals Beautiful, Diverse Vaginas (Vulvas!)
I am ALL about normalizing and celebrating sexual diversity. Particularly that of our genitalia, its functions, and our desires. Recall the March and April issue of AVN Magazine where my image in Njoy…
There’s Jiz on AVN Magazine… literally, real cream.
I am so proud of this full page ad by Njoy in the current issue of AVN Magazine. AVN, or “Adult Video News” is an industry publication for retailers and distributors who work…
What is Genderqueer?
For the last year I’ve been more visible about being genderqueer. It’s an identity I feel is very important to put forward, especially as I find myself receiving more mainstream attention, though I…
Speakeasy Queer Porn Film Noir Remakes Classic Adult with Femmes, FtMs, and GenderQueers
Tomorrow night (Saturday 12th) is the Premiere of Speakeasy, directed by Courtney Trouble. It’s going to be screened at the Kick-Off Party of Good Vibrations‘ Independent Erotic Film Festival (IXFF). The event’s happening…
Queer Bella
I’ve been hearing a lot about the idea of Queer Porn becoming accepted by the mainstream. While there are many theories and examples of this out there, and diverging definitions of the terms…
Wired Pussy – a hair kinky
My shoot on with Princess Donna, Vai, and Syd Blakovich is now live. I’m one of the handful of genderqueers to have shot with WiredPussy. I know other queers who have shaved…
Getting INTO Porn (the Queer way)
One of my frequently asked questions comes from new porn performers (or those who think they want to be one): “How can I get in Porn?” About a year ago I wrote “Getting into…