Guest Blogger on Fleshbot.com!
For the week encompassing the Feminist Porn Awards, I am guest blogging at Fleshbot.com!
Follow along with Jiz Week, where I’ll be posting random tidbits, as well as updates from the Feminist Porn Awards and events.
UPDATE: very sad that my posts have seem to be link bombed on Fleshbot. So many fun topics lost to the sands of time.
Archive.org to the rescue, here’s a few posts, like my ‘virgin voyage’ to the Feminist Porn Awards an interview with FPA coordinator Carla, a review of Vulva 101, and Draw Something (dirty).
Have a burning question you want to ask about the Feminist Porn Awards and participants, or something you want me to write on? Let me know!
Follow me @jizlee on Twitter, or check out the hashtag is #FPA2012.