• I Want My Queer Porn TV

    Or perhaps I should say… YOU want my Queer Porn TV. Or… It’s YOUR Queer Porn TV. Or heck, just… check it out! Queer Porn TV (QueerPorn.TV) is the new queer paysite “Public…

  • Meet the Porn Queens

    I’m pretty impressed with an article that came out recently in Marie Claire INDIA (NOT the US version, but the global one) written by Mandy Van Deven who also rights for Bitch Magazine,…

  • Day Dreamin with LezUrban

    After hearing about “Day Dreamin”, a premiere film by lesbian/queer women of color porn company LezUrban, I asked director TUNE for a screener copy. And I have to say… HELL YESSS! Day Dreamin…

  • PaddedKINK – Queer and Cold

    Did you know there’s a body-positive kink porn site? It’s called PaddedKINK.com. It also happens to be queer friendly as well; Courtney Trouble and I shot for one of the scenes, and it…