Pornsaint Jiz Lee
I’m officially a Pornsaint! Back in August I wrote about the image of me created by visual artist Jeff Faerber ( So cool! After some incredible exhibits, including most recently at the “Oh oh oh Christ! Religious Iconography” exhibit at my favorite SF art gallery Femina Potens, the Pornsaint gates have opened and I’ve been welcomed by the PornPope into PornHeaven with Jeff’s image in the pornsaint gallery and an interview.
I LOVE, and am so happy to see some of my favorite stars as pornsaints such as Lorelei Lee, Madison Young, Sasha Grey, Stoya, and Buck Angel, too! In PornHeaven, you get to make your own stats, so instead of the traditional model boob size, I get to represent the genderqueers and hapas, yey. Check out, buy art if you can, and if you’re in SF, “Oh oh oh Christ” runs until January 4th and features more pornsaint artwork and other pieces, including some fucktastic collages by Carol Queen such as Rosie Emergent, by Carol & Robert Morgan Lawrence.

One Comment
Awesome image! Congrats… JizChrist Superstar!